Cold Iron Giveaway!

Let’s keep it simple, folks:
I am giving away five copies of Cold Iron.

Cold Iron Cover

While the buzz of the book has been positive overall, it’s also been relatively quiet. I need to amp up the signal, get more people interested, ensure that the work I’m putting out is, in fact, worth the asking price. I need reviews! Even if they’re bad ones, at least it’d be something worth reporting. It’d be preferable to this silence.
So here’s what we’re going to do.
If you’re reading this, and you’d like to help me out, leave a comment telling me your favorite detective OR favorite vampire story, and why. Next week, I will select five comments and contact the winners, who will receive Cold Iron in a format of their choosing. It’s my hope that, after reading it, the lucky quintet would be willing to throw a review up on Amazon, Smashwords, their blog, or maybe the side of a 7-11 somewhere. No rules beyond that other than the obligatory one entry per person, and be sure to fill out the comment form with a proper e-mail address so I know how to contact you when you win.
Learn more about Cold Iron by clicking thataway.
So what are you waiting for? Leave a comment and start telling folks about gumshoes and the undead!


  1. I would have to say Let the right one in, by John Ajvide Lindqvist. I like it since the vampire(s) portrayed in it are both human and monstrous, and because it creates a wonderfully creepy and strange aura around them.

  2. I can’t just name one.
    Erast Fandorin is the detective in a mystery seris by Boris Akunin. Fandorin is like the Russian Sherlock Holmes in the 1800s.
    Thursday Next is a a literary detective in Jasper Fforde’s book world. It’s very imaginative and filled with humor.
    Harry Dresden is Jim Butcher’s wizard detective. He’s a real smartass, what’s not to like?

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