500 Words on Outrage

Between the political landscape and my personal situation, it’s very tempting to just type out the word “AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH” 500 times and be done with it. It’s also tempting to just fire up a video game and try to forget about the things that are taking up space in my brain and making me froth at… Continue reading 500 Words on Outrage

WordPress PHP PayPal Payout Helper Class

View on GitHub At-A-Glance Platform: WordPress Language: PHP Keywords: RESTful API, PayPal, eCommerce, WooCommerce Overview We live in an international, interconnected world. We work for one another on all sorts of solutions. And we all want to get paid for our work, right? Right. It’s not uncommon for people to use a CMS like WordPress… Continue reading WordPress PHP PayPal Payout Helper Class

The Lessons Within "The Last Jedi"

Be advised: there will be spoilers in this treatise. I can’t discuss what I want to discuss without getting into detail about the plot and the arcs of the film’s characters. Fairly be ye warned. Before I saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I heard about all of the negative takes on it, all of… Continue reading The Lessons Within "The Last Jedi"

Moving On from 2017

So, 2017 is finally behind us. Or, at time of writing, it’s about to be. What a relief, right? The year seemed incredibly long. News and events that occurred around Halloween or Thanksgiving feel like they happened years ago. It was exhausting, seeing the world get yanked unwillingly into a downward spiral perpetuated by a… Continue reading Moving On from 2017


I took some time to overhaul the look of this blog so that it was more centered on Dungeons & Dragons. I had intended, for the most part, on producing only content related to that game here. In the weeks since I made that change, I’ve struggled to generate said content. The explanation may be… Continue reading Thirty-Nine

500 Words on the Adventurer's League

Of late, (almost) every Friday night, I take a long trip from my flat to West Seattle so I can join in the occasionally madcap shenanigans known as the Adventurer’s League. For the uninitiated, the Adventurer’s League is the ‘official’ organization for players and DMs of Dungeons & Dragons, sanctioned by Wizards of the Coast.… Continue reading 500 Words on the Adventurer's League

Adventure Review: Quelling the Horde

“Quelling the Horde” (DDEX03-09) is an Adventurer’s League module set during the Rage of Demons story arc. The story it tells is a classic one: farms and homesteads are getting sacked by goblins, and adventurers are needed to rise to the challenge. This time, some of the goblins seem to fancy themselves as ‘knights’. Calling… Continue reading Adventure Review: Quelling the Horde